I decided to make this page since I hope some mentors (and maybe some agents I've already queried?) will be interested enough in Login to click into my blog! Stranger things have happened!=-)
Dear Pitch Wars Mentors (and visiting Agents?),
I picked you because you sounded amazing. Now it's my turn to try and entice you into picking me! Whew, was it this nerve-wracking for you?
This picture pretty much sums me up. |
Breathless Bio:
I'm a New Orleanian currently living in Idaho. I love cats, anime, and singing (badly) songs from LotR. I drive a '72 VW Superbeetle, although I push it more often than I drive it. I'm told I look like Merida from Brave. I've had 6 concussions because—these things just happen. I'm 26. My hair is naturally red, and my eyes are brown—but somehow my hair and eyes are the same color! If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be guacamole. I support food labeling, because chemicals banned in 120 countries for causing asthma, probably cause asthma where they aren't banned too. I graduated from the University of New Orleans with a B.A. in hypermedia. I still don't know what "hypermedia" is. I have AADD (Art Attention Deficit Disorder). If it's creative, I want to do it. Two years ago I finally made my decision to focus on writing, but I still do
fine art, illustration, and some Flash
games. I really want to do animations again too. I sell custom hand-painted egg-owls and creeptastic art dolls. I still do tumbling to some extent, and I LOVE hand-balancing on random objects.
My greatest love in reading is YA spec-fic, which is why I write it. I love new worlds, books with meaning, and characters who feel like friends and inspire fan-art. I like books that make me care enough to cry.
Some of my favorite books are: LotR, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Battle Royale, Incarceron, Chronicles of Prydain, Narnia, Game of Thrones, Graveyard Book, 1984, Lord of the Flies, Fahrenheit 451, Sea Wolf, Call of the Wild, Candide, Don Quixote.
Three things about LOGIN:
I think I (mostly unintentionally) poured many of my own experiences into Login. Looking at it now, I think Login is a combination of losing my dad at 14 (and nearly losing my mom a couple of years ago), feeling lost after moving, and the "personal Apocalypse" feel of living in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.
Edit: Wow, I think those experiences made me a better writer, and they definitely inspired parts of the story, but I
did not mean for that to sound so doom and gloomy! I'm a fun person! I swear! Just look at that picture of me! That is totally fun!
The Customized Children (cyborgs) in my story aren't traditional cyborgs. My cyborgs are just people with the internet built directly into their fake eyes, and an inability to logout from social networking. They—and the fact that parents must purchase all legal children "Customized" from a corporation—are my favorite elements in the story. As much as I love the internet, I think it would be horrible to be unable to logout from it. People with smartphones in their heads? No thank you!
Although my main character Fayten is a sixteen-year-old girl who teams up with two boys, she's not thinking about romance. I am a huge fan of adventure (give me Indiana Jones!) so I tried to pick mentors who liked adventure,
and didn't require romantic elements. Sometimes a girl's just gotta survive!
Reasons to Pick Me:
1:CC and Me!
I thrived in the art department, so of course I live for constructive criticism! I will work as hard as possible on revisions!=-) If I wasn't a ginger I would SELL MY SOUL to make revisions happen! Soul, or no soul, I will work my hardest! =)
2: These gifs.
3: Incentive. Well...Virtual Bribes.
I know how to make chocolate. Just take a minute to let that sink in. Melty delicious chocolate.
I can also make Egg-Owls. Is that bribery? YES. Many will bribe you with cookies, but I have chocolate and Egg-Owls, so PICK ME! This applies to mentors, and any awesome agent who wants to be my awesome agent. EGG-OWLS FOR EVERYONE!
4: Fangirl friends.
You can fangirl with me about a LOT of things: books, anime, video games, Ghibli, Disney, Dr. Who, Adventure Time! You can fangirl with me even if you don't pick me. My Twitter name is @DreamOfFire . I can always use more fangirl/boy friends!
I forgot to mention this, but my book has
Freelancers (a.k.a. modern pirates!) in it!
6:...There should be more reasons...but I can't think of any, so just know that I will make this face if you don't pick me. Trust me, the face looks really sad without the handstand.
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I hope you consider me!