Friday, January 17, 2014

Egglet Theme Pitch Finalists

Peacock (winner of first prize!).
Vampire (A.K.A. DracuOwl).
Kickboxer Owl!
Click to full view!
Cowboy, FisherOwl, Doctor Egglet

Ok, I am super sorry it has taken me so long to do this, but after considering many possible ways to allow people to vote on all the pitches entered in my Egglet Giveaway, I realized that there were just too many, and it might be difficult to get votes to narrow the field. Instead I decided to pick my top 4, and let voting commence from there! To see a full list of pitches, go here. To see what "Egglets" are, go here (basically they are egg-shaped, hand-painted owlets in various themes! Hello little hats!!)!

So drumroll please? Thank you. These are the top pitches!

Honorable mentions: Gamer, Rockette, Geisha, Sally the Ragdoll, Scuba Diver, Minion, Planet Earth, Marie Owltoinette.

4: Fairy

3: Pirate

2: Mad Hatter

1: Beekeeper

Let me know in the comments which Egglet you want to see made the most!=-) Who should win?
Also, thanks to everyone who entered my giveaway, and thanks for entering so many amazing pitches! Let's get this second winner picked!=)