Sunday, January 20, 2013

Query Letter Reviews!

Ah! Nothing in this world feels better than receiving good critiques on your query letter's first go (and feeling like you've worked hard enough to earn them!)! I am so glad I took the time to really choose each of those 199 words as carefully as I did, agonizing over every sentence on my own before asking for review. 

I gave up on applying to graduate school to do my query/agent research. I threw everything into going for my dream, so hearing people say such nice and encouraging things feels like validation; that I did make the right choice. I know I shouldn't put so much weight on this, since a query letter is just the beginning (and I haven't even sent one out for real yet), but I can't stop smiling and making frantic hummingbird gestures! I'm just so excited. I want to do this right the first time: I want to send to my A+ list-ers knowing that I've done my best on my query. I don't want to waste their time---and I definitely don't want to waste my one chance to impress them!

Thank you AgentQueryConnect people! What a fantastic resource and community! 

I believe I neglected to mention these in my last post, but here are two more good reasons to use an online writing community for feedback.
  1.  Immediate feedback from people who have done as much research as you, and actually have an idea of how a good query should look and sound.
  1. The people critiquing your work are not your friend friends (if you know what I mean). Yes they are all nice people, incredibly friendly and helpful, but because they are strangers, and there is that faceless distance of the internet between you, they are able to give you honest feedback.
Now I am going to go enjoy my happiness before I turn my critical eye on my synopsis. I don't actually know that I need a synopsis (it appears that a lot of agents favor requesting sample chapters instead?), but in case I get a follow-up asking for one, I want to be as prepared as possible

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